Mendez stands on a rooftop with a microphone. He’s wearing a flat cap and a three-stripe Adidas t-shirt.
Would you like to interview me for your podcast or publication? I probably want to talk with you! Unless you’re evil. But even then I might want to be a guest in order to defeat you. So even if you are evil, please complete the form below to contact me and we can schedule something. I tend to be free during the afternoons, US Eastern time.
Past Interviews
I reveal the secret origins of John Stavropoulos’s X Card to Lin Codega at Rascal News
I talk about cultural consulting on Frosthaven to Sean Michaels at The New Yorker, for some reason
I look back at 7th Sea: Cities of Faith and Wonder with Really Dicey
I explain cultural consultation to Michael Rancic at Dicebreaker
Alex Roberts interviews me about historical Japanese gaming and martial arts, for Backstory
Katrina Ostrander interviews me about Thousand Arrows, for Geek & Sundry
Daniel H Kwan interviews me about Thousand Arrows, for Asians Represent! podcast
A little Twitter AMA and a more substantial Reddit AMA about Thousand Arrows
Jason Perez interviews me about games and cultural criticism on Shelf Stories
Gil and Emma interview me about cultural consulting on the Ludology podcast
Mad Jay interviews me about music and RPGs, for Diceology
Three Black Halflings discuss my orcticles, part I and part II, and then interview me about orcs and representation
Justin Ecock interviews me about various gaming topics
Dr Tom the Frog interviews me about AfroFuture
The Spectology podcast and I read Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson
I talk about the chanbara film The Yagyū Clan Conspiracy with the Jianghu Hustle podcast
ENWorld podcast interviews me about cultural consulting in RPGs
Meghan Dornbrock interviews me about exploring new settings, for Modifier
Rai W Cole and Monica Speca interview me about avoiding orientalism in martial arts games, for Bonus Experience
Dan and Paul interview me about race in Dungeons & Dragons, for Wandering DMs
Kai Löffler interviews me about sensitivity reading and cultural consulting, but in German
I play Hearts of Wulin in three parts with Agatha Cee and James D’Amato on the One Shot Podcast