Capoeira players crouch before the berimbau and pandeiro in an illustration by Carybé.
Martial Arts
I like martial arts! No matter your experience level or your style, I probably want to train, spar, or talk shop with you. My primary styles are capoeira Angola, Bujinkan budō taijutsu, and collegiate wrestling. My instructors in these disciplines were, respectively, Mestre João Grande, Jeff Christian, and Bill Trauth. I’m also familiar with Kokikai-style aikidō and Chén style tàijí boxing.
Lately I’ve been practicing a sparring method which accommodates broad differences in experience level and fighting style. It draws on ninpō taijutsu’s traditional slow-speed freestyle sparring method, particularly as developed by Jeff Christian for Muzosa Dōjō. Using this method, I’ve had great experiences sparring karateka, kenpōka, taekwondo practitioners, Thai boxers, Filipino knife fighters, and wrestlers. If we’re ever at a convention together, or otherwise just hanging out, mention it to me and I’ll happily share it with you! It’s lots of fun, open-ended, and low-impact by default, although it’s easy to dial up the intensity or to focus it on specific topics if the participants like.