Cultural Consulting and Sensitivity Reading
Are you creating something which features ethnicities, cultures, religions, or other identities that are not your own? Hell yeah! Representation makes the world a safer, better, more interesting place. But you gotta get that representation right—and it’s not easy. A cultural consultant or sensitivity reader joins you during (ideally, early in) your creative process to ensure your project not only doesn’t offend, but also supports and validates the people you’re talking about.
But we don’t just tell you no—quite the opposite. We help you with research, thematics, and inspiration, so you can create the best and most evocative version of your material. It’s scary sometimes, but if you’re willing to challenge yourself, it’s fun as well—and you get to go to sleep with peace of mind.
Since I started writing professionally in 2014, cultural consulting has been a major component of my creative process. I work with companies as large as Wizards of the Coast and Jackbox Games, as well as with individuals writing their first novel or their first role-playing game. I’ve spoken about game design and cultural consulting on panels and podcasts, and I blog about it (especially when it involves orcs) over on this site’s Blog tab.
In this video, I discuss my work as cultural consultant on Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for the collectible card game Magic: the Gathering.
What are my specialties? Well, I have a lot of experience as a generalist: if you don’t know what you don’t know, if you’ve never worked with cultural consultants before and you need someone to get you started and help you plan your first steps, or if your work spans a really broad cross-section of identity categories from ability to sexuality to culture, hit me up. The topics dearest to my heart, though, are race, culture, and religion outside the Western European paradigm. Some topics I’ve covered during my career include …
West African, Afro-Atlantic, and Asian religion
worldwide and historical martial arts and dance
multiracial identity
cultural appropriation and tokenism
If I can’t help you based on my own background, I’ll find you someone in the network of cultural consultants who can. Even if we can’t find a professional cultural consultant experienced in the specific thing you need, I often co-consult with cultural representatives or fledgling cultural consultants, pairing my own professional experience with their personal background to make sure you get the insight you need. I work with you at any and every stage of your creative process, from brainstorming to the finished product—although it’s always easier if we start early!
Also, in case you’re curious, I’m Filipino American on my mom’s side and European Jewish on my dad’s. My undergraduate degree was in Religion (focusing on West African and diasporic traditions) with minors in Dance (mostly martial arts and South Asian dance) and English Literature (mostly poetry). My master’s degree is in Eastern classics—so, great books of Japan, China, and India.
To get an idea of the kind of topics I often cover in cultural consulting, check my blog. Almost everything in there has something to do with cultural consulting.
Contact me via the form below to get more information, or to see published examples of my work. I work on a sliding fee scale, to make sure I can help you no matter your financial situation. Check below the form for a list of my past consulting engagements.
Please complete the form below
This trailer includes material I consulted on for The Finals, an arena shooter video game from Embark Studios!
I consulted on this cinematic for Teamfight Tactics: Inkborn Fables!

Cultural Consulting Clients and Projects
Here are a few of the creations, creators, and companies with whom I’ve worked as cultural consultant in the past!
Wizards of the Coast: Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: the Gathering, corporate workshops
Amplify Education: educational materials, corporate workshops
Jackbox Games: Jackbox Party Packs 7+, Drawful 2
Rowan, Rook, and Decard: Eat the Reich RPG
Gold ENnie Award 2024 for Best Short-Form Adventure
Darrington Press: Daggerheart RPG, Queen by Midnight board game and Quarter Past expansion
Vienna Teng: Logo design
Singularity 6: Palia
Hit Point Press: If I Were a Lich, Man
Silver ENnie Award 2024 for Best Family Game! Warning: Please never play this game with your family. However, if you do, please tell me how it went.
One Shot Podcast Network: Asian-themed content, Campaign Skyjacks, Skyjoust!
Eren Angiolini: Character illustration cards
Rusty Quill: The Magnus Archives podcast
Bully Pulpit Games: Fiasco 2 RPG
Evil Hat Productions: Agon RPG, Deathmatch Island RPG
Magpie Games: Root RPG
Rebellion Unplugged: Adventure Presents RPGs
Insight Editions: Magic: the Gathering cookbook, D&D pop-up book
Fantasy Flight Games: Legend of the Five Rings RPG and fiction
Onyx Path Publishing: Scion and Exalted RPGs
Guildhall Studios: Sea of Legends board game
Hunters Entertainment: Kids on Bikes, Kids on Brooms
Renegade Game Studios: Transformers, GI JOE, My Little Pony, Power Rangers, and World of Darkness RPGs
Khepera Publishing: GODSEND Agenda RPG
Petit Guignol: Thousand Year Old Vampire RPG
Gold Ennie Award 2020 for Best Production Values, Best Rules
Silver Ennie Award 2020 for Product of the Year
2020 Indiecade Tabletop Design Award
Wet Ink Games: Jiāngshī: Blood in the Banquet Hall RPG
Dice & Whatever Studios: Katanas & Trenchcoats RPG
UFO Press: Legacy: Life Among the Ruins RPG
Ulisses Spiele: TORG Eternity RPG
Draco Studios: Eldritch Century RPG
Axo Stories: Tales from the Gods RPG
Robert Houghton: The Middle Ages in Computer Games
Sly Flourish: The Lazy GM’s Forge of Foes and City of Arches
Pirate Gonzalez Games: Ancestry and Culture 5e supplement
Certain Death: Bleak Spirit RPG
Shewstone Publishing: Magonomia and Drintera RPGs
NerdBurger Games: Capers Covert RPG
Monkey’s Paw Games: Kanabō RPG
Happy Monster Press: Savage Worlds: Legion of Liberty RPG